Dental emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time of day or night. Preventing accidental situations is not always possible, and it helps to know what to do when an emergency occurs. Some dental problems can wait for a convenient time, but others call for immediate dental care.
You need to know if you should visit a dentist at night or if it can wait until morning. Here are some signs that you need emergency dental care.
If you are experiencing bleeding in your teeth or gums, you need emergency dental treatment. Bleeding while brushing or flossing can be a sign of gum disease or gingivitis. Swelling gums and pain may also accompany the bleeding. It is crucial to get early treatment for gum disease. This will help to ensure your teeth remain healthy.
If you are in pain, it is another sign that you should visit a dentist immediately. Dental pain will often radiate to the jaw, neck, and ear. Trying to sleep is often impossible, as lying down increases the discomfort. You may also experience persistent throbbing in the mouth, facial swelling, and sensitivity. The dentist will carry out an exam and take X-rays to determine the issue and start treatment. Never ignore a severe toothache hoping that it will go away on its own.
Losing a tooth as an adult can be painful and aesthetically unfortunate. No one wants to have missing teeth. If your tooth is loose or falls out, you should get emergency care. Immediate action is necessary to ensure that the tooth remains viable, so it can be replanted. Properly preserving the tooth is essential.
Gum swelling is a major sign of an infection. A mouth infection can be life-threatening. The swelling can be in the gums, the lymph nodes, and even the face. Untreated infections can get into the bloodstream, causing severe health problems. The dentist will determine the type and location of the infection and offer prompt treatment.
If your tooth is cracked or broken, you need to get immediate dental care. The severity and location of the tooth will determine the best treatment option. It is always important to try to save the tooth, and this makes emergency treatment vital. When you call, the dentist will need to know how the injury occurred. You should not postpone an issue that can turn into a serious condition.
Other signs that you need emergency dental care include a sore or growth and a metal taste in the mouth. Growth can be a sign of a serious disease like oral cancer. The metal taste can indicate that an old filling is cracked or has come loose. If you experience a popping sensation in your jaw, you also need to visit a dentist. Emergency dental treatment can help to save your teeth while also alleviating pain and discomfort.
To learn more about emergency dental care, visit Cal Oaks Dental in Murrieta, California at 951-501-4900 to book an appointment today.